Commitment is a strong word that many people avoid. Even I have been guilty of wanting to hide from the word “commitment.” However, I believe, and it has been made clear to me, that in order to live my best life-one filled with accomplishments and excellence-I MUST commit.

For this reason, commitment is “My ONE Word” for 2019. Instead of creating a long list of resolutions, commitment is the word that will infiltrate every area in my life. This is crucial for my personal growth and improvement. It is not a word I voluntarily chose. After prayer, meditation and reflection, it was revealed to me. I saw the word on my social media timeline and knew it was for me. From there, it was DIVINELY downloaded into my spirit.

Commitment equates to other strong words such as allegiance, loyalty, fidelity, attentiveness and more. It can show up as verbal agreements that we make to ourselves.  When coupled with accountability, a commitment can be as binding as a paper contract.

According to Merriam-Webster, commitment is when someone pledges to do something. A pledge is the same as an oath, vow, covenant, guarantee or promise. The thing that transforms a promise into reality is commitment. It requires a wholehearted dedication to self and the desired outcome. It is important to think carefully about the who, what, and how of a commitment. After all, a commitment is a serious pledge that obligates, requiring responsibility and accountability. Are you convicted enough to make a commitment and stick with it? What’s your one word this year and are you committed enough to make it a reality?

There must be a strategy and the time has to be set aside for each task at hand that builds up to goals which lead to victory and accomplishments.

First things FIRST – steps to commitment are as follows:

  1. Evaluate your thoughts. In other words, “Get Your Mind Right!” Are you afraid of commitment? If yes, then why? If no, then what’s next for you?
  2. Become CLEAR on your goals, remove the doubt and toxic thoughts toward what it is you want to achieve. No more cloudy goals.
  3. Prioritize. What is most important? Typically everything is intrinsically connected. In order to be a better mother, I have to first become a better woman. In order to become a better woman I have to be grounded; grounded in my faith and beliefs. This is why my relationship with God is a top priority because everything else flows from that source and that connection. Are you catching my drift?
  4. Hold yourself accountable. If you have to do one task at a time, then do that. Reward yourself with a trip to the spa or mall. Set micro-goals that you literally can check off.


Over the next several month’s COMMITMENT in 2019 is the KEY that will unlock unknown GREATNESS in many of our lives. Are you down? Are you ready? Let’s get it!!!


Video Blog Coming:
Love Yourself.  X-out “Refusal to Commit
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